
WMT Interview: Harold and the Life Education Trust

05 July 2019

On Tuesday,  Year 7 Wellesley Media Team correspondents, Fletcher and John, held a quick Q & A session with educator Andrea from the Life Education Trust. Andrea has been at Wellesley for two weeks and has had sessions with all the boys working alongside the school in teaching the health curriculum.

Q (Fletcher and John): How long have you been a Life Education Trust Educator and what made you choose this as a career?

A (Andrea): I have been working for the Life Education trust for five years now, and I chose this career as it was something different. A way of teaching in a different classroom.

Q: What is your favourite part of being a Life Ed educator?

A: Wow, that is the hardest question, and I have so many favourites. I think I would have to say the stars on the van roof, especially the reaction of the little ones to seeing the stars, the “oh wows” and the gasps of awe. There is also the opportunity to connect with so many students all over the Hutt Valley, to be able to teach them about life, their bodies and their brains, it’s something special.

Q: What is the best part of being at Wellesley?

A: The boys, and the teachers. But the boys really, they are so great they really engage in the topics and they always ask great questions.

Q: We are doing drugs and brain development in our sessions, but what are some of the other topics that you are covering here?

A: As you said, the seniors are looking at drugs and alcohol, but in the truck, we look at a range of topics including relationships, self-esteem, resilience, body systems, and nutrition. With the Year 5s and 6s we are learning about body systems and nutrition, with the little ones we are looking at body systems and organs. The Year 4s are looking at friendships and self-esteem so it’s really varied across the school.

Q: Do you have a funny story/anecdote about something that has happened while on the bus?

A: Hmmm, well I guess for me is the poo talk, because it doesn’t matter where you go and who you do it with there are always moments when I have to laugh, that’s the best part of the job – being able to laugh. With the Years 1s and 2s they have really straight faces and they are so interested. Any older than that, and they just can’t keep a straight face, and they are all rolling around and giggling and struggle saying the words – it is hilarious, I enjoy seeing them enjoy it all. Harold doesn’t help either, he just loves telling poo jokes!

Q: We are doing drugs and brain development in our sessions, but what are some of the other topics that you are covering here?

A: As you said, the seniors are looking at drugs and alcohol, but in the truck, we look at a range of topics including relationships, self-esteem, resilience, body systems, and nutrition. With the Year 5s and 6s we are learning about body systems and nutrition, with the little ones we are looking at body systems and organs. The Year 4s are looking at friendships and self-esteem so it’s really varied across the school.

Q: Do you have a funny story/anecdote about something that has happened while on the bus?

A: Hmmm, well I guess for me is the poo talk, because it doesn’t matter where you go and who you do it with there are always moments when I have to laugh, that’s the best part of the job – being able to laugh. With the Years 1s and 2s they have really straight faces and they are so interested. Any older than that, and they just can’t keep a straight face, and they are all rolling around and giggling and struggle saying the words – it is hilarious, I enjoy seeing them enjoy it all. Harold doesn’t help either, he just loves telling poo jokes!

Q: Finally, how old is Harold and is he easy to work with?

A: Harold is getting on a bit as he has been around since 1988 when Trevor Grice brought the plays with the concept over from Australia – so he is the mascot in both countries. But he is just the best colleague, he is so easy to work with and he never talks back! Although, sometimes he can be a bit silly and just a little bit naughty when he lights.

Fletcher: Thank you so much for visiting us here, and please say thanks to Harold too! We are lucky to have you visit.

Life Education is a charity that educates and empowers children to make healthy choices so they can live full and healthy lives. For more information, visit or contact us for any questions regarding Wellbeing and Resilience at Wellesley.

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