31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
On Friday 25th October (Week 2) we will be having a Junior Market Day for Years 0-4. We would ask that boys bring in toys/books that they no longer need or play with. The items will be sold for 50c, $1.00, $2.00 and we may have a few $5 items. We would also love some food items that can be sold. Please feel free to start sending items in. Food items can be brought in on the day. The market will take place at 1.45 pm on the 25th, you are more than welcome to join us in the fun. This year each junior class has signed up for Wellington Shoebox Christmas and have been assigned a child in which we will fill up a shoebox of things based on their interests. We will be putting all the money raised towards purchasing these items and if there is any money left over, we will be donating it to Nourish to go towards a Christmas Hamper for a family, who otherwise might go without food over Christmas.