31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
Senior Teams
2nd XV Rugby v HIBS 2nd XV Rugby: Mr Blandford @ HIBS-Trentham Racecourse, 12:00noon
1st XV Rugby v HIBS 1st XV Rugby: Mr Edmonds @ HIBS-Trentham Racecourse, 1:15pm
3rd XI Football v HIBS 3rd XI Football: Mrs Butler @ HIBS-Trentham Racecourse, 12:00noon
2nd XI Football v HIBS 2nd XI Football: Mr Meo @ HIBS-Trentham Racecourse, 12:00noon
1st XI Football v HIBS 1st XI Football: Mr Field @ HIBS-Trentham Racecourse, 1:15pm
1st XI Hockey v HIB 1st XI Hockey: Mrs Elliot @ Fraser Park, 12:20pm
Boys can come to school in full tracksuit on the fixture day and will take part in morning classes as normal. Boys should wear their playing kit underneath their tracksuit. All boys require their issued playing gear, relevant safety gear (mouthguard, shin pads), the blue socks with red top and white stripe and a named drink bottle. Boys in the 2nd XI hockey team will take part in multi-sport activity on that day.
All teams travelling to HIBS will be transported to and from the venue by bus. All 1st XI hockey players will be transported in the school van and in a staff car. If you would prefer to take your son directly after the fixture, please ensure your son informs your coach before departing. Because of the roadworks happening at the racecourse car park, parking is limited to road parking only. Please adhere to social distance guidelines when spectating (i.e: spread around both sides of the pitch).
Below is a run sheet for the boys to see when they are departing, these are displayed on the sports noticeboard and the in the school hall.
8:50-9:00am: Boys can come to school in tracksuit.
10:50am: All football and rugby boys meet in the hall
10:55am: All teams depart
11:10am: 1st XI Hockey to Hall
11:15am: 1st XI Hockey depart
11:25am: Football and Rugby boys arrive at HIBS
11:35am: Hockey boys arrive at Fraser park
12:00noon: 2nd XV Rugby, 2nd XI and 3rd XI Football at HIBS start
12:20pm: Hockey to start at Fraser park
1:15pm: 1st XV and 1st XI to start at HIBS
2:30pm: All boys depart HIBS on bus