Wellesley Fees

Wellesley College thanks you for choosing our kura, school, for your son’s education.

Please note, boys must be New Zealand or Australian citizens or have a Residence Permit or Diplomatic Status.

Fee Scale 2025 PDF Version


Junior School (Years 1, 2, 3)$5,607per term (GST inclusive)
Middle School (Years 4, 5, 6)$5,607 per term (GST inclusive)
Senior School (Years 7, 8)$5,870 per term (GST inclusive)

A reduction of 10% of the basic tuition fee is allowed for the second and subsequent members of any one family attending the school at the same time. Where a family has members at Chilton and Wellesley a 3.5% discount is allowed.


An application fee of $100.00 for each student is payable at the time application is made for a vacancy.


ENROLLMENT FEE: During the year prior to the boy starting at Wellesley, a fee of $300.00 for enrolment is payable in respect of each boy. This fee is
not refundable and will be used to defray the costs of maintaining contact when the boy has left school.

BOND: Before commencing at Wellesley, a bond of $1,500 is payable by each family. This amount is refundable at the completion of the last family member’s attendance at Wellesley and when all amounts owing are paid.


Bus Fares for 2025 are listed below. Refer to Travel information for more information on routes.

BUS FARES(Rates are per term and are GST inclusive)
Lower Hutt$298.00
Eastern Bays$162.00
Upper Hutt$610.00

LEAVERS’ FEE – Year 8 Only

$75.00 per term This fee covers the cost of the student for the Year 8  dinner, Year 8 tie, Year 8 book, and the Leaver’s Sweatshirt.


$12.00 per family, per term.


$187 per child per term (GST inclusive)

  • Payment in full is required by the 20th of month following date of Invoice.
  • Automatic payments to spread payments maybe set up by prior arrangement with the accounts office.
  • A reduction of 1.75% is allowed if the full year’s tuition fees are paid before 1 Feb 2025.
  • An account management fee will be charged on overdue accounts at a rate of 1% per month.
  • External costs of collecting overdue accounts will be charged.
  • One term’s written notice of intention to withdraw a student from the school is required and payment of all fees incurred over the notice period is required. Where no notice or insufficient notice is given, one term’s tuition fees
    will be charged in lieu of notice.