Wellesley Parents’ Association

Families are the very heart of our school. The Wellesley Parents’ Association (WPA) is a group of Wellesley parents who foster that sense of community and help families to engage with and support school events, building lasting relationships with each other and staff, ensuring that the school always feels like a ‘big little family’.

The WPA works with the School and Foundation to support their initiatives and events.  For example, coordinating wonderful parent volunteers for special events like Grandparents’ Day, Athletics Days BBQs and ARTBOURNE, and helping run events like the school Sunday Funday. Recently, the WPA facilitated the redevelopment of the school’s playground which was opened in June 2021. During the year, the WPA are involved in amongst other activities the Athletics Days, ARTBOURNE, Grandparent’s Day, Fundraising, Disco’s and the Runathon.


Looking ahead….

Term 2 Update from the WPA
Junior and Middle School Disco – 24th May 2024.
Movie Night – 30th June 2024
Further details will be in the Wellesley weekly notices and via the Class Teacher emails.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Join us!

Joining the  Wellesley Parent’s Association is a great way for parents to get involved,  to contribute meaningfully to the school community,  and to discover the best of what Wellesley has to offer.

We encourage parents and whānau to consider joining the WPA or to come along to a meeting and see what we’re about.

The meetings are held in the Wellesley staffroom and run from 7.30pm until 8.50pm.  These are attended by the Principal, Michael Bain or by one of his senior staff members. All parents are welcome, if you have any questions, please contact our Chairperson.

Current WPA 

Sam Batchelar – Chair (year 4), Caroline Drury – Treasurer (year 6), Cherie Burnett – Secretary (year 6), Nicola Mackenzie-Maurd (year 8), Amy Anderson – (year 5), Belinda Zohrab-McConnell (year 8), Ding Wang (year 5), Joanna McNicholas – (year 3), Mia Dong – (year 3), Rebecca Clancy – (year 8), Tatsat Mishra – (year 3), Brent Dickens – ( year 6)

WPA Minutes

WPA meeting dates for 2024

Next meeting is on Tuesday 11th June 2024, 7.30pm
Monday 19th February 2024, 7.30pm
Tuesday 12 March 2024, AGM and Meeting 7pm
Tuesday 14th May 2024, 7.30pm
Tuesday 11th June 2024, 7.30pm
Tuesday 13th August 2024, 7.30pm
Tuesday 15th October 2024, 7.30pm
Tuesday 12th November 2024, 7.30pm
Parents Association