31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
Our vision is to develop an Endowment Fund large enough to support four annual scholarships at the school, which we estimate requires funding of $1.75 million. On a modest annual interest rate return, each full scholarship requires a capital sum of $432,000 to fund $20,000 worth of full school fees and associated costs per annum. This goal can only be achieved with substantial support from our community. To date, we have raised of $1.45 million.
See how you can support the funding of a Wellesley Scholarship.
One of the platforms available to support scholarships is the Scholarship Brick – BRICK100. These are a limited edition of 100 engraved black bricks as seen placed on the outside of the stage wall of the Centennial Hall. At $2160 each, these bricks, when all sold, will provide annual funding for one half of a Centenary Scholarship, in perpetuity. Payments over time are possible – please see the Foundation Donation form.
You can be part of this special school’s future by helping with the development of inspirational places of learning and gathering. With this support of the Foundation’s Special Purposes Fund, Wellesley can deliver a future building programme.
One of the platforms to support the Foundation’s Building Development initiatives is the terracotta Foundation Brick. At $1200 each, these bricks are on the inner quad steps and honour past and present pupils, families, staff, year groups and friends of Wellesley. The authentic terracotta bricks provide supporters the opportunity to forever etch and connect their legacy to Wellesley. Payments over time are possible – please see the Foundation Donation form.
THANK YOU for your generosity and support. You have made a difference.