31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We like to keep in touch with our Wellesley family, but it can be hard when people move house, city or country, and even email addresses get updated. Keeping us up to date with your contact details helps to re-connect you with old friends join our alumni network, plus we’ll be able to share Alumnae news and events with you.
Do you have news to share? Please email our Alumni office, we would love to hear your news and feature your story too.
Read how our old boys reconnect with Wellesley, and about their sporting and academic achievements in our Community News.
Our hope is that we can offer you all reconnection to Wellesley through our news and Alumni communications, and you can help us keep you in touch, by emailing us your updated contact details.
For all enquiries and updates contact:
Email: alumni@wellesley.school.nz
Telephone: 04 562 8030