31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
Set between the sea and bush, our unrivalled environment sets us apart from other primary schools. We’re not just a place, but a destination that is truly heaven for boys. We consider Wellesley to be a nature sanctuary, and in this respect, we see it is an extension of the classroom and an incubator for potential: ours is an idyllic setting where boys feel inspired to explore and are safe to take risks. Through tactile experiences they discover who they are and what they are capable of, gaining resilience and self-awareness that will see them into their future.
We believe no boy is the same and we offer our boys every opportunity, academically, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually, to discover their personal passions and strengths. Our aim is to infuse our ākonga, students, with a spirit of inquiry and to give them the skills they need to become lifelong learners. Focusing on creativity and building the ability to think independently, we give every boy every chance to discover what’s out there, and what’s in them.
Our boys are empowered to discover themselves and succeed in individual ways because of the respectful and empathetic relationship with their kaiako, teacher. Our teachers’ open communication and open-ended experiences build curiosity and wonder, and celebrate efforts over results. We are like whānau which means every boy is known for their uniqueness, supported to persevere for their personal best, and given every opportunity to come out of their shell and into their own.
As a kura, school, steeped in over 100 years of tradition and Anglican ethos, we have the foundations to focus on the future and be leaders in progressive ways. Our values and holistic philosophy are embedded in our inclusive culture, and in the way we care for the development of the whole boy; body, mind and spirit. By valuing their well-being, we help unlock their potential, and create learners for life; boys with the self-direction and resilience to successfully transition from primary school to college, and into adulthood.
Our boys are encouraged to develop themselves through setting personal goals and taking risks. At their own pace and through trial and error, they find out what they are good at. Through specialist teaching, our teachers impart expertise and enthusiasm for the Arts (music, dance and drama), languages, digital learning, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Sports. Our personalised learning and wrap-around curriculum is a teaching and learning philosophy that values the whole boy, and clearly sets us apart from other schools.
We invite you and your whānau to contact our office at a time that is convenient for you. We will arrange a tour and answer your questions about sending your boy to Wellesley.
For Enrolment information, click here.
Discovery Days are a wonderful opportunity to see the school in action for a morning. Parents and boys are invited to attend and experience our environment, the Arts, STEM and Sport, as well as meet the boys and Syndicate leaders. Discovery Days take place three times per year and are tailored to different age groups.
To attend our next Wellesley Discovery Day, click here.