31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
Effective teaching involves imparting information and understanding to students by providing constructive tasks, environments, and learning using effective assessment and evaluation of student development and providing feedback.
Depending on the strategy pursued, competency-based systems also create multiple pathways to learning, make better use of technology, support new staffing patterns and utilise teacher skills, passions and interests to take advantage of learning opportunities outside of school. This helps our teachers identify specific opportunities to help meet the specific learning needs of our students [1].
We achieve this through careful planning and use of school resources such as the Learning Support Team, Specialist Teachers and technology to ensure that students are engaged and are developing in mind, body and spirit. Students are encouraged to have a go and take risks in their learning. Time in class with their students is important for teachers to maximise the learning opportunities and to build strong relationships.
Feedback is a key component of the learning cycle and we encourage teachers to communicate with parents on a regular basis: Weekly emails keep parents updated on curriculum areas and progress, and Seesaw allows teachers to communicate each boy’s day-to-day achievements. Students are empowered to take ownership of their learning and to understand their next steps to achieve outcomes. Students and parents are involved in setting specific, measurable, realistic, achievable and timely goals, and these are used as part of the teaching and learning process.
Teaching students how to learn, and to take responsibility for their own development is key to how we approach teaching and learning at Wellesley. We want our students to become confident, resilient, innovative thinkers who are creative in the way they solve problems.
Wellesley boys are encouraged to do their best, and explore their passions in their writing, artwork and independent project work. Below see a small sample of some of the work that is produced in the classrooms at Wellesley.
Senior Student
Year 8 – Independent Inquiry (Part One, Part Two, Part 3 & 4)
Senior Student
Year 8 – Writing