
French at Wellesley


Learning a new language opens us up to a whole new world of possibilities. At Wellesley, the boys have the opportunity to learn French and see their language skills come to life! We provide a classroom environment in which the boys get to experience French as a living, breathing language; one that is relevant to their interests and abilities and one that challenges and expands their outlook on life.

The boys learn French through interactive classes which include a mix of language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), while also gaining an understanding of French and francophone culture, life and festivals.

At a junior level, French is taught through song, games, stories and puppetry. The boys learn how to describe the world that is around them, while also developing an idea of what life is like for French speaking children.

As the boys progress through school, they expand their knowledge of the French language with topics that include sport, school, transport and food, to name a few!

“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.”

Roger Bacon

“If you make the language  learning fun and proactive then half the battle is won!”
