31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
The Board meets formally once a month during term time and has sub committees on an adhoc basis to ensure appropriate lines of governance are in place to support the running of the school, its staff and students.
Within the group are specific responsibilities for areas such as finance, education and child well-being, health and safety, property, funding and foundation development and marketing and communications. Also attending the meetings are the following key stakeholders: Michael Bain (Wellesley’s Principal), Rebecca Wagstaff (Wellesley’s Business Manager), the Staff Representative, Glen Jorna (Head of Arts), the Chair of the Parents’ Association, Sam Batchelar.
Below is some information on each Board member. They were asked to answer the following questions: What is your whakapapa? What are you most passionate about when you are at Wellesley? What are you most passionate about outside of school? Read what they said: