Extra-Curricular Clubs

Wellesley College offers many extra-curricular activities, clubs, groups, as well as leadership and academic opportunities. We ensure that each boy, no matter what his interest, has every opportunity to excel.

Some of the options available are: Art Extension, Choir, Chess, Coding, Enviro Schools, Fencing, Kids’ Lit Quiz, Lego Robotics, Orchestra, Penguin Patrol, Running Club, Waterpolo, Music Lessons and French. Keep an eye out for information on the school newsletter and speak to your sons class teacher to see how your son can take part in these and other amazing activities.

Clubs and Activities

Every Lunch Break

Drawing Club – Every lunchtime for years 1-8 in the Artroom (Teacher Mr Jorna)

Monday Lunch Break

Chess Club – Year 4, Learning Support Room (Coach Mark and Andrew Tait)

Box Builders Club – STEM Room (Marko Cunningham)

Monday After School

Waterpolo matches – Year 7&8 various locations – (Liza Fitsimmons)


Tuesday Lunch Break

Computer Gaming Club (wet lunches only) STEM Room (Marko Cunningham)

Penguin Patrol, Years 4&5 Terms 2-4, Days Bay Penguin Colony (Michelle Colley and Janice Meo)


Wednesday Before School

Waterpolo (Year 7&8) Kilbernie Pool (Liza Fitzsimmons)

Wednesday Lunch Break

Green Beans, Juniors (Year 5&6) Yr 1 Room (Gina Cooper and Natasha Corrales)

Coding  Club, (wet lunches only) STEM Room (Marko Cunningham)

Year 8 Art Extension, (two sessions one in Kete Aranui one after school) Art Room (Glen Jorna)

Year 7 and 8 Rockband, Music Room (Rob Joass)

Wednesday Afterschool (3:00 – 4:00)

Fencing – Terms 1 – 4, Hall, All years (ability), Daniel Chan


Thursday Lunch Break

Chess Club – Year 5&6, Learning Support Room, (Coach Mark and Andrew Tait)

After School Thursday

Chess Club – Year 7&8, Learning Support Room, (Coach Mark and Andrew Tait)


Friday Lunch Break

Year 5 and 6 Rockband, Music Room (Peter Elliott)

Enviro Club, Seniors (Year 5-8) Yr 5C (Gina Cooper and Liza Fitzsimmons)

Minecraft Club – Years 5-7, Terms 1,2 and 4, French Room (Mark Meo)

Orchestra – All years (ability), Terms 1-3, 2pm – Music Room (Andre Paris)