Board Of Trustees

Appointed by the Diocese of Wellington for up to five-year terms, the Wellesley Board of Trustees provides governance for the school.

The Board meets formally once a month during term time and has sub committees on an adhoc basis to ensure appropriate lines of governance are in place to support the running of the school, its staff and students.

Within the group are specific responsibilities for areas such as finance, education and child well-being, health and safety, property, funding and foundation development and marketing and communications. Also attending the meetings are the following key stakeholders: Michael Bain (Wellesley’s Principal), Rebecca Wagstaff (Wellesley’s Business Manager), the Staff Representative, Glen Jorna (Head of Arts), the Chair of the Parents’ Association, Sam Batchelar.

Any parent interested in becoming Board member at Wellesley is invited to email the Chair on From time to time the Board will also communicate with the Wellesley community to seek potential Board members with knowledge and other qualities to help maintain the relevant diversity and skill set to appropriately govern the school. Information on Wellesley’s Governance policy can be found here:




Meet our Board Members

Below is some information on each Board member. They were asked to answer the following questions: What is your whakapapa? What are you most passionate about when you are at Wellesley? What are you most passionate about outside of school? Read what they said:

Owen Gibson

Owen Gibson (Board Chair)

John Healy

Chair of Wellesley Foundation - CFO ACC

John Healy

Samantha Batchelar

Chair of Wellesley Parents' Association

Samantha Batchelar

Liang Zhong

Liang Zhong

David Coull

David Coull

Rhona Aylward

Rhona Aylward

Pippa Hogg

Finance Committee, Business Owner and Strategic Coach

Pippa Hogg

Andrew Holden

Andrew Holden

Catherine Levermore

Catherine Levermore

Andrew Allan

Andrew Allan

David Healy

David Healy