Support Wellesley

Wellesley College was founded on 2 February 1914, a very different school to the one that now thrives in Days Bay. The initial inspiration to establish the school came from Harry Amos, the Director of Banks Commercial College. The new school adopted a family name of the Duke of Wellington and was soon widely advertised as Wellesley College. The future problem-solving and inquiry-based learning of modern Wellesley was 100 years away from the school’s original foundations.

Together with the Foundation, Wellesley is constantly striving to build on its long history as a respected independent school with many challenges overcome by the dedication and hard work of many people.  It provides scholarship opportunities, bursaries and delivers personalised learning programmes in outstanding buildings and facilities that match and support the exceptional education the boys receive.

With a large portion of the school’s tuition fees directed towards staff and operational costs, Wellesley relies on the support of its community to future proof for the next generation and to ensure Harry Amos’s vision continues to soar.

Please give generously today. Please contact to discuss ways in which you can support Wellesley. All support is gratefully received.

Why give to the Foundation?

Donations to Wellesley enable the school to maintain the highest standards of education possible and help protect this unique school into the future.

Wellesley is a not-for-profit organisation and donations enable  Wellesley to maintain the highest standards of education possible and help protect this unique school into the future.

Government funding of independent schools has dropped significantly since 1999 which means Wellesley is reliant on school fees and the generous support of our community for ensuring we maintain our position as one of the highest achieving Year 0-8 schools in New Zealand.

The generosity of Wellesley Old Boys, parents and staff over many decades has been a vital factor in Wellesley achieving a status that it is widely recognised for today.  As a member of our community, you may have a desire to support in a particular way and below we provide various options that will provide a lifeline to the future of Wellesley.


All Wellesley Scholarships are based on the philosophy that the recipient would not normally be able to access the school due to the circumstances they face.

This means that Scholarship recipients may not have the financial ability to fund the fees from any family member or donor who would offer to pay for their attendance at the school. Wellesley Scholarships are life-changing: We have seen the transformation, not only in the boys, but in their families and their communities.

A gift to Scholarships ensures these opportunities continue for deserving students. Two of our current Foundation Scholarships have been funded through notified gifts in Wills and through significant In Memoriam Donations. Our remaining scholarships have been funded through the generosity of our alumni and parent supporters – their gifts have made a significant and enduring contribution.

Roger Mexted

Roger taught at Wellesley from 1985 – 2011.  He died suddenly in 2011, aged 48 years.  Roger made a significant bequest in his will, and his legacy continues to live on in the form of the The Mexted Scholarship which is awarded every two years for a Year 7-8 scholar.   The scholarship was first awarded in  2017. Wellesley have wonderful memories of Roger including the ‘Mexted Meander’ –  famous and memorable walk for the boys, accompanying Roger down to Days Bay beach or into the bush during the annual Middle School camp held on the school grounds.   Roger was much loved by the staff and the myriad of boys that came under his care.

Tim Jamieson

Tim attended Wellesley from 1991 – 1992, for Years 7-8. Tim died 1st February 2002, aged 21 years, whilst kayaking the Buller River. At the time, he was training as an Outdoor Instructor through Greymouth Polytechnic. Tim’s legacy continues to live on in The Tim Jamieson Memorial Scholarship, which is awarded every two years for a Year 7-8 scholar.  The Scholarship was first awarded in 2017.

As part of Tim’s legacy, the Tim Jamieson Trophy ‘Living by the Golden Rule’ is awarded to a Year 8 boy at senior prizegiving each year.  The trophy was first awarded in 2003.

Tim will always be part of Wellesley and is forever in our hearts.

Tim Jamieson

The Sir John Todd Scholarship

Sir John Todd KNZM attended Wellesley 1938 – 1943 and was Head Prefect and Dux in 1943. He died 29th  July 2015.  He was a passionate supporter of Wellesley and the Scholarship programme and was a Patron of the ‘Promising Futures for Boys’ scholarship campaign 2012 – 2014.  John’s contribution lives on as The Sir John Todd Scholarship which is awarded every two years for a Year 7-8 scholar.  The Scholarship was first awarded in 2017.  A fine man of enterprise, integrity and grace.

The Wellesley Parents Association (WPA) Scholarship

The WPA is a group of Wellesley parents who foster that sense of community and help families to engage with and support school events, building lasting relationships with each other and staff, ensuring that the school always feels like a ‘big little family’.

As part of acknowledging the work of the WPA, the Foundation, as funds allow, awards a WPA SCHOLARSHIP for a Year 7-8 scholar.  The Foundation is very grateful to the ongoing support of the WPA for providing support for the ARTBOURNE arts programme and other events which are key to the financial and social wellbeing of Wellesley.

Foundation Scholarships

The Foundation’s vision is to develop an Endowment Fund that supports ongoing scholarships at the School.  Currently this Endowment fund allows for two Foundation scholarships which are awarded every two years for a Year 7-8 scholar.  Donations are currently received through brick donations – Scholarship Brick – BRICK100.  We are very grateful to our many supporters – their generosity and support has made a difference to the opportunities of our scholars.

Bequest Options

Leaving a bequest, or an in memoriam donation is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and they give assurance that there will be funds in the future to fulfill Wellesley’s mission.

Will Sample:

“I give and bequeath to Wellesley College Foundation the sum of $ [      ] [ or property, assets or a percentage of my estate as described ] for the general purposes of Wellesley College [or for a specific stated purpose] and I declare the official receipt of  [     ] an authorized signatory shall be a good discharge to my Trustees.”

It would help us if you did notify your gift in your will, but there is no legal requirement.


In Memoriam Donations

If you would like to honour the memory of a loved one who has passed away and who has a connection with Wellesley, you are welcome to make an ‘in memoriam’ donation to Wellesley.

Important: The Wellesley College Foundation is approved by the IRD as a charitable organisation for tax purposes, and is registered under the Charities Act.

Please be assured that all gift and bequest amounts and associated details are strictly confidential.

We are grateful for every bequest, whatever the amount.  All bequests will help maintain and shape the future direction of Wellesley.

If you would like any further information or a confidential conversation regarding making a contribution or the any other aspect of the Foundation please contact us at or Rosie on (04) 562 8030, ext 835  for more information, or fill out the form below and submit and we will get back to you.

This Will and In Memoriam information has been designed to provide general information and guidance only and is not intended to offer professional, legal or other advice.  We recommend that donors considering making a bequest to Wellesley consult their own legal and financial advisors in this matter.