31, March
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
We would like to thank everyone involved in donating such wonderful prizes and selling so many tickets for our very successful Year 7’s raffle and congratulate our prize winners: Winners 1st...[...]
Today, Wellesley enjoys an unrivalled natural setting for progressive teaching and learning, with facilities ranging from the magnificence of historical Days Bay house, to the new Centennial Hall, and is always considering how to capture and provide what is best through its Strategic Planning.
We hope that boys who have attended (and their families) will be part Wellesley’s sustainable future, by donating to the Foundation. A gift to the Foundation, either now or by remembering Wellesley in your will can make a real difference and will attract a tax rebate annually currently set at 33%.
Since the Foundation’s formation, it has supported not only major building programmes but significantly has funded over 30 financial scholars receive a transformational Wellesley education. Further details on both these aspects are below. To contact the Foundation please email foundation@wellesley.school.nz or call 04 562 8030, ext. 835.
For several years when it could afford them, Wellesley offered scholarships to boys otherwise unable to access the school. The Foundation, in order to support the school’s initiative decided to amplify the opportunity by launching a Campaign in 2014 called Promising Futures for Boys. $1.45 million (in pledges & donations) has been raised, resulting in at least 2-3 scholars each year for Years 7 & 8. Moreover, the biennnial arts programme ARTBOURNE fundraises for the scholarships, so the fund continues to grow bit by bit.
Scholarships are life-changing and we have seen the transformation, not only in the boys but in their families and their communities. The Board of Trustees, supported by the Wellesley Foundation, is currently offering Scholarships for boys wishing to attend our school in Year 7 and Year 8. Applications open mid year and close in August/September of the year prior to starting. Testimonies from recipients and donors of the Promising Futures Campaigns can be found on the Wellesley Foundation Scholarship video (alongside).
Gifting to the scholarship campaign is at whatever level you can afford and there are many practical ways you can assist the scholars as outlined in this form.
One popular platform is BRICK100, where a black brick is inscribed on the Centennial wall of the inner quad with family’s details and goes specifically towards a Centennial scholarship.
I wish to help protect Wellesley’s future and donate to the Foundation’s Scholarship Programme
Scholarship applications for Year 7, 2024 and Year 8 2025 will open in 2023. Keep an eye on our website for details.
Looking around the school grounds today, you could be forgiven for thinking that the buildings have always been here as they are seamlessly integrated. However, the reality is that only Days Bay house is original. Over 20 years ago, the Board of Trustees took a huge leap of faith, believing in the unique educational philosophy that Wellesley offered but knowing that the tired buildings needed upgrading. So, partnering with the Foundation, from 1998 – 2014, a four-part ambitious building programme was undertaken integrating the old with the new. All the significant buildings and integrated spaces you see now, would not have materialised without the considerable Foundation vision and support.